Jewish Right to the Land of Israel

Jewish right to the Land of Israel is basic and inseparable from our right to security, without which there can be no prospect of peace. The choice does not lie between maintaining our right to the Land of Israel and obtaining peace for a Jewish State in some part of the Land of Israel; the … Continued

The Fighting Jew

The fighting Jew is a human being. He is the son of a Jewish mother, that most marvelous of all God’s creatures, with all the softness of her love and the heavy burden of her concern. The fighting Jew loves children, all children – Arab children, too, I assure you. The fighting Jew loves books, … Continued

checking – Answer to the wise

What, then, do these offices symbolize: an increase or a decline? Are they not a means of camouflage and deception, and an attempt to create an impression that there is still a Jewish immigration while it is being wiped out during the days of the massacre in the Diaspora? Should the Arabs now attack the … Continued

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle … Continued

Issues and Answers – Barbara Walters

There is a Jewish state for the first time after 1900 years of humiliation and dispersion and ultimately physical destruction. We have to thank God what we achieved in our generation. And nobody gave us this as a present. We had to fight for it. We had to give sacrifice in life. But, with God’s … Continued