
On “Gaurmont”, a history of the Irgun. It covered its formation, the King David Hotel and Acre Prison operations, and its ultimate dissolution.

Encounters with Jewish Youth

Begin shares his various encounters with Zionist youth, nationally and internationally. In one situation, American Zionists associated with Hashomer Hatzair distributed leaflets comparing Gahal to Fatah outside of Begin’s hotel. The leaflet argues that both want to be in complete control of the entire region, and the conclusion they draw is that neither Gahal nor Fatah will bring peace and justice to the Middle East. Begin is more upset about Zionists publically shaming Israel than his party being compared to Fatah. He also shares the response he gives to Zionist youth who ask him about Deir Yassin. Begin then shifts to sharing positive interactions with Zionist youth. He focuses on Russian Jews and their nationalistic beliefs. Begin briefly brings up the increase in aliyah post- Six Day War and concludes that he hopes that more Zionist youth will bring comfort, instead of distress regarding the future of Israel.

Chiefs of the Pre-State Resistance Looks Back

Begin participates in a discussion led by Geulah Cohen with other key actors (Moshe Sneh, Nathan Yellin-Mor, Haim Landau, Shimon Peres, Eliezer Livneh, Shmuel Katz, and Ya’acov Riftin) about the pre-State resistance. Begin first speaks about the United Resistance Movement and argues against Moshe Sneh’s statement that the Haganah always fought against the British regime. He acknowledges that illegal immigration led by the Haganah was an important form of resistance, but not armed resistance. In fact, the Haganah assisted the British regime in the attempt to liquidate the Underground during “the season”. Begin returns to speak about the United Resistance Movement, and about the King David Hotel operation. Begin also shares how the British government was not interested in stopping the annihilation of European Jews during the Holocaust. The discussion closes with disagreement about what happened with Altalena and the mistrust Haganah leaders had towards the Underground’s intentions.

Let Me Dispel the Fears From Your Hearts

Begin wants to dissolve the discomfort Ha’aretz readers have about Etzel. He begins by emphasizing that it is most important that the readers contemplate his words. Then he continues to mention that no nation besides Israel has ever questioned its liberators’ actions. Instead, it “is considered a privilege by them.” Begin then goes into detail about the hatred he and Etzel felt from the Jewish Agency’s leader, Ben Gurion, prior to the negotiation. He said that Ben Gurion used a system of propaganda, which he referred to as “the hate system.” Along with propaganda, Begin dismantles the lie stating that Etzel did not want a united army after the emergence of the State. Lastly, he mentions the importance of Ben Gurion saying that taking down Altalena might have been a mistake. Through providing a thorough understanding of events that happened in the past, Begin ends his piece with: “it is not we [Etzel] who must correct any image, but they who must correct their angle of vision.”

A Reaction is Stirring in Israel

After David Ben-Gurion announces his resignation, Begin writes an article about Ben-Gurion’s multiple failed attempts to destroy Herut. He first describes how members of Mapai acted as if they had been liberated from prison once they heard about Ben-Gurion’s resignation. Begin shares how Ben-Gurion was as a leader towards his both colleagues and enemies. Begin gives examples of Ben-Gurion trying to destroy the Jabotinsky Movement. Then Begin argues that despite Ben-Gurion’s attempts, Herut is getting stronger. He shifts to discuss if Ben-Gurion will return as a private citizen or as a member of the Knesset. Begin concludes that soon Herut will be given the opportunity to serve the nation.