A Reaction is Stirring in Israel

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
9 In july 1963
Underground - Altalena, Etzel, Haganah, Saison. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion. Political Parties - Herut, Mapai. Knesset
After David Ben-Gurion announces his resignation, Begin writes an article about Ben-Gurion's multiple failed attempts to destroy Herut. He first describes how members of Mapai acted as if they had been liberated from prison once they heard about Ben-Gurion's resignation. Begin shares how Ben-Gurion was as a leader towards his both colleagues and enemies. Begin gives examples of Ben-Gurion trying to destroy the Jabotinsky Movement. Then Begin argues that despite Ben-Gurion's attempts, Herut is getting stronger. He shifts to discuss if Ben-Gurion will return as a private citizen or as a member of the Knesset. Begin concludes that soon Herut will be given the opportunity to serve the nation.