Issues and Answers – Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters interviews Prime Minister Begin on “ABC” about the progress of the peace process with Egypt, the meaning of Palestinian Arab autonomy, reactions to the Iranian hostage crisis and the Olympic Games in Moscow. He closes with how he wishes to be remembered.

Prime Minister and Correspondent Interview Each Other

Conversation between Begin and Israel Radio Correspondent Shalom Kital after official visit to Egypt. Begin felt the Egyptian people warmed up to him, signaling a bridge not just between the governments, but between the peoples of Israel and Egypt.

PM Begin with the Jewish Leadership, New York

Begin addressed his upcoming trip to Cairo in a speech given shortly after the peace treaty with Egypt was signed. “It is not time to rest on our laurels,” he said, calling for Palestinian Arab autonomy as well as ensuring Israel’s security from all sides. He then called for a campaign in the United States to ensure Israel’s security, as well as for Jewish communities in the United States to stand by Israel. Later, Begin discussed Israel’s poverty problem, referred to the Bonds’ role in helping Israel’s economy, and urged the audience to donate to Project Renewal.

Issues and Answers

An extensive interview with Prime Minister Begin on “ABC” about the progress of peace talks with Egypt. Taking place months after the deadline for a full treaty, much of the interview deals with the deal’s effects on Egypt’s obligations to other Arab nations, Begin’s feelings of optimism about the talks and Israel’s key role as part of the free world in the Middle East.

PM Begin’s Speech at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

At a Speech to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Begin stated that the peace treaty with Egypt precedes all previous agreements between the two countries, and urged sympathy for Sadat’s hostile situation within the Arab world. Begin then emphasized the importance of the Israeli people’s support for the peace treaty, saying that it will be presented to the Knesset for approval regardless of party discipline. Later, he explained how the US government’s peace proposals to King Hussein included departures from the Camp David Accords, in matters such as the legal status of Jerusalem, the IDF presence in Judea and Samaria, the establishment of settlements and the autonomy plan. Finally, Begin noted the sacrifices Israel had made for the sake of peace, including evacuation of settlements and the waiver of the Sinai Peninsula.