Let’s Arise, Unite, and Stand Firm

Begin calls on General Rabin to fix the economic crisis he believes his party created. He expresses concern and disappointment that the Labor-dominated majority Knesset rejected the Likud’s proposal to fix the economy. Begin stresses that he and the Likud party believe in their unalienable right to an unpartitioned Eretz Israel. However, there is anxiety looking forward to the future because General Rabin uses phrases like “Jordanian-Palestinian” State. Begin believes that it would be wrong to comply with the UN demand to evacuate Judea and Samaria. He calls upon the words of Ben Gurion and Chaim Weizmann to back up his opinion that the Jewish people have a right to all the land of Israel. He addresses General Rabin and the Cabinet and reminds them of the triumph of 30 years ago, and urges them to preserve Israel’s security.

No Need for Despair in Coming Year

Begin speaks of his concerns about Henry Kissinger’s “Jordanian-Israeli disengagement of forces” plan. In this plan, Israel abandons land they liberated in the Six-Day War for interim agreements, not peace agreements. Begin speaks about Hussein’s actions against Israel in both the War of Independence and the Six-Day War. Begin argues that with interim agreements, Arab countries are just waiting for the right moment to attack Israel, again. Begin shifts to further criticize Kissinger’s plan. Begin explains that Israel will not be secure with a UN force located at the 1967 border lines. He concludes that it is important to have “positive national stubbornness in the face of pressures and threats.”

A Year of Pain Ended, a Year of Problems Begun

Article by Begin shortly before Rosh Hashana 1974, recounting the events and mistakes that led to the Yom Kippur War. The non-mobilization of the reserves by the government during the 10 days of repentance in 1973 would go down in history as “The Blunder” because of just how devastating and fatal that non-action turned out to be. Jews need to learn that government ministers are not all wise. They can make stupid mistakes as well, even with access to information ordinary citizens do not have. He brings examples from Britain and the USSR’s responses to Nazi Germany and from Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal. The government is heading towards another colossal blunder by abandoning the principles of demanding a peace treaty with direct negotiations and not withdrawing from any territories without said peace treaty. The result will be that Israel will lose territory and not gain any peace.

A Tower of Babel

Begin speaks about the contradictory opinions of leaders within the Labor Party regarding the land liberated in the Six-Day War. He first speaks about Moshe Dayan’s views, which are close to those of Gahal. Like Begin, Dayan believes that the liberated land should not be partitioned. Begin shifts to question how Dayan’s colleagues could consider partitioning the Homeland, which goes against the essence of Zionism. Begin then counters the argument that in 25 years, the Homeland will not have a Jewish majority. To conclude, Begin reiterates that the beliefs of the members of the “united” Labor Party are different and therefore, this party is deceiving the public.

Loyal Opposition – Positive Role in Israeli Politics

An op-ed in the Jewish chronicle by Begin about the purpose of and need for an opposition in a democracy. So-called ‘one-party democracies’ are just autocracies called by a nicer name in the west for political expediency. Herut has had to do more than just oppose the government because of the unique threats and challenges Israel faces. Herut took the lead in several important policy initiatives, such as Israel’s alliance with France, the issue of Arab refugees from the War of Independence, and the issue of German scientists helping the Egyptians produce powerful and destructive weapons. It is also important for Herut to constantly seek to replace the government because otherwise it would allow Israel to become a “one-party democracy.” It is imperative that another party eventually win control of the government to allow democracy to work as it is supposed to.