The Inalienable Right of the Jewish People to Eretz Israel
Begin argues against the claim that Zionism equals not only racism, but also extremism. He explains that Zionism is suddenly seems to be extreme because Zionists do not want to have Arafat in control of “the heart of Western Eretz Israel.” Then he shifts to talk about the error the Government has made with the new slogan of “if they recognize us, we’ll recognize them.” Additionally, when Israel argued that they would not participate in the UN Security Council sessions if the PLO participates, there was the claim that Israel’s reaction was emotional and extremist. However, Begin points out how the UN resolutions 212 and 194 are the formula for destroying Israel. Therefore, it should not be seen as extremism when wanting to protect Israel from destruction. Towards the end he mentions that it is self-destructive for Jews accepting the term Palestinian and believing that Arabs in Nazarath waving a Palestinian flag is merely self-expression.