The Mapai We Knew for 30 Years is No More

Begin writes about the splintering of Mapai into three, four, and even maybe five Mapais. He explains who each of these Mapais is and what each thinks of the other Mapais. Begin then puts to question the trustworthiness of leaders who express hatred towards former friends, colleagues, and comrades. Furthermore, he brings up what it could mean about the historical opposition to these leaders. Then Begin shares that there are two principal Mapais, which he calls Alef and Bet and are led respectively by Levi Eshkol and David Ben Gurion. He explains what each bloc wants regarding the election process. Begin shifts to speak about Mapai’s attempts in excluding Herut from Histadrut elections and the justice system being on Herut’s side. In his conclusion, Begin explains that Herut-Liberal bloc will attack the Mapai blocs simultaneously in hopes to change the leadership of the State.

Ben Gurion the Totalitarian

Begin analyzes two situations that recently happened in the country. The first event is when a former Judge Advocate of the Haganah, Dr. Gorali, faced trial on a charge for libeling the Attorney General and Legal Adviser to the Government, Moshe Shapira. Gorali accused Shapira of conducting the Be’eri trial improperly “for personal reasons”. Begin argues that this incident weakens the status of justice in Israel. The second situation is Ben-Gurion’s threat to a Communist Knesset member. The member had denounced the Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal because he spoke negatively about Russia to the Associated Press correspondent. Begin mentions that he disagrees with both the Knesset member’s actions and Ben-Gurion’s response that “this State also knows how to imprison and confine.” Begin identifies his response as a hint of totalitarianism. He concludes claiming that there is no need to fear his totalitarian threats because in actuality, Ben-Gurion does not hold much power.