How Different This Day

A message from Begin to his Likud base after the 1973 elections, where there Likud gained a lot of ground on Labor. A fundamental shift in Israeli politics is taking place, and Likud is emerging as a true viable alternative to the Labor establishment. . In the settlements and the Arab sector the Likud is making some gains, but in the cities, which are what truly matters in elections, the Likud is making huge gains. And in the army the Likud received more votes than any other party despite an intimidation campaign waged to keep soldiers from voting for Likud. The government also lost ground to Likud despite its lies about being close to a peace deal that would allow Israel to keep the land it captured in 1967. Likud’s support comes from the “believers and the poor.” Likud’s appeal comes from its commitment to the land of Eretz Israel, its commitment to security, and to dissatisfaction with Labor.

We Await You with a Pounding Heart

On the occasion of the Knesset to reenter Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s remains on Mount Herzl, Begin delivered this eulogy to his master and teacher. He discusses Jabotinsky’s upbringing, his activities and exile from Palestine, and his influence on Zionism.

Prophet and Teacher

Begin discusses the great foresight, talent and influence of Ze’ev Jabotinsky. In particular, he speaks of Jabotinsky’s great skills as an orator and logician and his thoughts on the importance of Jewish revolution.

How We Have Waited and Longed for this Day

Begin addresses members of the Jabotinsky Movement, representatives of the Jewish Legion, and Jabotinsky’s disciples and admirers almost 25 after his death, urging them to support a decision to move his remains to Mount Herzl.

The Inspiration

Begin writes about Ze’ev Jabotinsky and first lists Jabotinsky as a “poet, philologist, statesman, sociologist, author, orator and soldier.” He praises Jabotinsky’s capability of mastering Hebrew. Then Begin provides examples through history that led people to see Jabotinsky as a statesman. For example, he predicted that Britain would open a front in the Middle East and he believed that Zionists must help Britain fight Turkey. Also, Jabotinsky understood the necessity for a Jewish State long before other Zionist leaders. Additionally, Begin mentions that Jabotinsky knew that for survival, there must be a Jewish Army. He concludes that Jabotinsky had a fighting spirit and that the nation owes gratitude to him, “the bearer of the Vision of the State.”