Choice in Policy, No Fatalism

An op-ed Begin wrote from the Jerusalem Post. He says that Israel must stand fast in demanding a full peace treaty and not withdrawal from any territory without a peace treaty. Israel is becoming isolated internationally and the PLO, despite having goals similar to the Nazis and carrying out murderous attacks on civilian targets, is gaining international recognition. The government is weak and not standing up for Israel’s rights. The Likud is in favor of a national unity government but the Alignment has sabotaged their efforts to form one by demanding that the Likud give up its principles first. He calls on mobilizing the American Jewish community and the pro-Israel community to lobby on behalf of Israel in America. There is a demographic problem, but if Jews come in large enough numbers from the Soviet Union it will cease to be an issue. Israel also must do more to save the Jews under threat in Syria. If Israel sticks up for its rights it will come through the current challenges.

1998: There Will Be a Mighting Nation in This Land

In honor of Israel’s “silver jubilee” (25th) birthday, Begin speaks about his hopes for Israel in its next jubilee birthday, in 1998. By 1998, he hopes that majority of Jews will be in Israel, which will lead to one million people living in Jerusalem. Additionally, he believes that majority of Soviet Jews will make aliyah. Then Begin focuses on current concerns and first counter-argues the claim that it is unjust for Jews ruling over Arabs. He quotes Hussein to point out his desire to have all of Israel under his control. Also, he speaks about the secretary general from Histadrut’s public suggestion for Israel to immediately leave Shechem, Jericho, and Hebron. Begin then says that Israel needs to liberate the rest of the land for the sake of Israel’s security. Begin shifts to speak about another threat to Israel’s security: Assimilation. He concludes quoting Ezekiel’s vision of Jews inhabiting all of Israel.

“Havlaga” (Passive Restraint) Has Not Stopped Syrian Aggression

In the aftermath of a Syrian attack on civilians in the north, Begin sharply criticizes both the UN’s decision not to censure Syria and the Israeli government’s continuing policy of havlaga (passive restraint). He cites examples from then-recent American history and international law to justify a stronger response on Israel’s part.

A Friendly Warning to Mr. Dulles

Begin compares and contrasts the America-Guatemala-Czech triangle to the Israel-Arab-American triangle. He first speaks about America’s active defense against Guatemala’s relationship with Czechoslovakia. When speaking about political asylum for a Guatemalan politician, he also shares that “Jewish opinion, both here and overseas, will not be able to remain indifferent if evil befalls [on] one of our people’s best friends.” Begin then speaks about the America-Guatemala-Czech and the Israel-Arab-American triangles in regards to weaponry, population differences, and possibility of attack. Begin speaks about communism verses capitalism. He shares that “Disraeli once said that nations are ruled either by force or by tradition.” His final point focuses on America’s role as a leader for the free world and that it is problematic for America to guide by force.

When Churchill Goes

Begin focuses on the conversation of Churchill stepping down as Prime Minister of England. He first mentions that Anthony Eden will not be unanimously elected to be Churchill’s successor by the House of Commons. He then shifts to evaluate Churchill’s accomplishments while being Prime Minister to try and determine what changes would happen in England if Churchill resigned. First though, he acknowledges what is out of Churchill’s control, one being demographics. He focuses on England’s relationship with the United States and Churchill rescuing England from an American diplomatic ‘prong.’ According to Begin, Churchill is a statesman. Eden, Begin argues, is not and gives examples of his attitude towards the Hydrogen bomb debate. Begin concludes with saying that the Israeli Government is unable to comprehend the difference between national and international affairs. This is dangerous for Israel.