Begin Issues Call to World Jewry

In Begin’s Rosh Hashanah message, he focuses on four topics. He first talks about wanting aliyah to increase from both Jews living in democracies and living under communism. He specifically encourages youth to come and build up the land. Then he talks about the part of the country affected by poverty. Begin asks for Diaspora Jews to help fellow brethren who live in insufferable housing conditions. He reminds his readers that liberty and social justice are Jewish values. He shifts to talk about the importance of Hebrew being the second spoken language by Diaspora Jews. Having Hebrew as a second language will prevent the youth from being completed assimilated and leaving behind their Jewish heritage. Lastly, he talks about Jews unifying to support Israel’s security. He closes by praying that this year will bring peace to all people and Israel.

1998: There Will Be a Mighting Nation in This Land

In honor of Israel’s “silver jubilee” (25th) birthday, Begin speaks about his hopes for Israel in its next jubilee birthday, in 1998. By 1998, he hopes that majority of Jews will be in Israel, which will lead to one million people living in Jerusalem. Additionally, he believes that majority of Soviet Jews will make aliyah. Then Begin focuses on current concerns and first counter-argues the claim that it is unjust for Jews ruling over Arabs. He quotes Hussein to point out his desire to have all of Israel under his control. Also, he speaks about the secretary general from Histadrut’s public suggestion for Israel to immediately leave Shechem, Jericho, and Hebron. Begin then says that Israel needs to liberate the rest of the land for the sake of Israel’s security. Begin shifts to speak about another threat to Israel’s security: Assimilation. He concludes quoting Ezekiel’s vision of Jews inhabiting all of Israel.

Make Conversion Easier

Begin speaks to the Knesset about Jewish and other nationalities in Israel. He emphasizes that one does not need to have to be Jewish to be a free citizen with equal rights in Israel. He also emphasizes that there is not a separation between Jewish nationhood and religion. Begin starts his speech showing that there can be a democratic State consisting of different nationalities. Because of Jewish history, Israel is sensitive to minorities living in Israel. Furthermore, Begin wants to prove that Judaism is far from racist. Then he shares that Herzl understood the intertwining between Jewish nationhood and religion. Begin points out that this connection can also be seen in the Bible. Begin argues that assimilation and intermarriage affects who is a Jew. There are people who are connected to Judaism, but are not considered Jewish. For the sake of these people, he argues, conversion should be made easier.

We Believe in Israel’s Future

Begin outlines a few of the issues facing Israel during this time of crisis. Included in these issues are the assimilation of the present generation in Israel, the economic issue which has been bringing the state farther from economic independence, the contraction of towns that were once developing, unemployment, and the high rise in emigration and drop in aliyah (immigration). After enumerating these issues, Begin suggests a few ways to improve the situation. This includes proclaiming the right of the Jewish nation to Greater Israel, announcing to the world that no atomic arms should be given into German hands, providing citizens with employment and insurance in the case of unemployment, and overall, reawakening the nation with a new spirit.