Signing of the Camp David Accords

And, indeed, we shall go on working, in understanding and in friendship and with good will. We will still have problems to solve. Camp David proved that any problem can be solved if there is good will and understanding and some, some wisdom.

Signing of the Camp David Accords

[President Carter] worked. As far as my historic experience is concerned, I think that he worked harder than our forefathers did in Egypt building the pyramids.

Begin in Camp David Warning to Carter

The settlements are not an obstacle to peace. They are part of our peace plan. I’ll say so at Camp David. On this, I may say, we really differ with the American Government. The concept of our peace plan is to live together with the Arabs.

Begin in Camp David Warning to Carter

Should Egypt be prepared to sign a peace treaty on the understanding that it is to be followed by peace treaties with the rest of our neighbours, we would be prepared to do so.

The Statesman

Let us recognise that just as there is the great musician, the painter and the sculptor—and there are but few in the history of mankind—so there is the statesman, who is a statesman by virtue of specific talents which are not bestowed upon many. But by what do we recognise the statesman?  How can he … Continued