Issues and Answers

A genuine disagreement between free men. The president’s a free man and so am I. He represents a mighty power and I represent a smaller country. But I represent a people who are experienced at suffering great losses and must care for our population and must be sure that this peace treaty is not for … Continued

An Interview with Barbara Walters and Walter Cronkite

“In our opinion, the military is to defend the people, not to rule a people. And this was my belief and I stood for 20 years for the abolition of the military government in the Galilee, for 20 years before the Six-Day War. Ultimately, it was abolished. Of course, now we don’t have any other … Continued

Camp David Accords

I wouldn’t like to embarrass President Sadat. We did not suggest to him a separate peace treaty with Egypt, because he has difficulties in the Arab world. What we want is a comprehensive settlement, peace settlement. We want a peace treaty with Jordan, with Syria and with Lebanon. And, therefore, the second document takes this … Continued

Camp David Accords

I declared at Camp David that we should bring the issue before the Knesset and the Knesset will get this time complete freedom of vote. It means that no party discipline will be put into operation as the usual case is in any democratic parliament. And so, every member of the Knesset will vote in … Continued

Camp David Accords

No, we didn’t agree to a Palestinian state. Mr. Chancellor, nobody now would agree. It would be a solid base in the heart of the Middle East armed with the most striking weapons. Every house or home in Tel Aviv and in Jaffa and in Jerusalem and in Rehovot would be in the range of … Continued