The Alternative is at Hand
In the Passover Edition of the Jewish Herald and only a few months before elections, Begin criticizes the Labor Alignment. Begin first shares Jabotinksy’s article regarding the murder of Haim Arlozoroff and the Jewish value of one cannot be called guilty until the verdict has been given. However, 23 years later, the late Avraham Stavsky still did not receive a fair trial. This leads Begin to argue that the Government who denied Stavsky a trial has been in power for 44 years. He shares Labor Alignment slogans over the years, such as: “To retain power everything is permitted,” “The Party,” and “there is no alternative.” Begin responds saying that there is a clear alternative, Likud. He speaks about the seats his party has gained over the years and that today Likud only needs six more mandates to be called upon to form the new Government. He concludes that it is crucial to remove the ruling party because there is no party who holds permanent ownership of the country.