Ze’ev Jabotinsky

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
1 In oct 1948
Security - Army. Individuals - Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion, Dov Gruner, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Underground - Etzel, Gallows Martyrs. Diaspora - Exile. Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel
To honor Ze'ev Jabotinsky's death, Begin shares how Israel exists because of Jabotinsky's philosophies. He first shares Jabotinsky's clear aim for a free and noble State. Then Begin explains that although it now seems like an obvious and a simple aim, leaders such as Weizmann and Ben Gurion initially expressed opposition. Additionally, once again against other founding Zionists, Jabotinsky expressed the importance of warfare, sacrifice, and love for Israel. Begin then talks about after Jews suffered without weapons, Etzel arose. Begin shifts to talk about Jabotinsky's remains still in exile. In the conclusion, Begin confirms that Jabotinsky's efforts have been rewarded. He shares that Jabotinsky's students have followed Jabotinsky's dreams and doctrines. Jabotinsky is in the heart of the nation and lives in his students, and therefore, Jabotinsky is immortal.