You Have No Right to Partition Eretz Israel’

Jewish Herald
Individuals - Anwar Sadat, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan. Political Parties - Gahal. Greater Land of Israel - Golan Heights, Greater Israel, Settlements, Sinai Peninsula. Government , Peace , peace process with Egypt This article summarizes and quotes Begin in his speech that explains why Gahal put forward a motion of no confidence in the Government. He explains how Golda Meir's interview with the London Times suggests that she believes in partitioning Israel. Begin argues that she did not get approval from the Government or the Knesset. In the interview, Meir made a distinction between the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria. Begin argues that in both cases "we paid in causalities." Additionally, he argues against her decision to praise Anwar Sadat for being the first Egyptian leader to consider peace with Israel. He concludes that if the Government does not want to resign, then it should go to the polls to see if Israelis support their actions.