Why Herut Must be in the Histadrut

Jewish Herald
Political Parties - Achdut Ha'avoda, General Zionists, Herut, Liberal Party, Mapai. Elections , Knesset , Jewish Heritage - Linguistics. Ideologies - Socialism. Individuals - Ze'ev JabotinskyBegin's address at the Herut Convention in Tel Aviv focuses on reasons why Herut should be in the Histadrut. He first speaks about the importance of the potential bloc between Herut and the Liberal Party. This leads him into speaking about why he believes there is a space for Herut in Histadrut. One argument he makes is that the Histadrut is no longer majority socialists. Additionally, some current members are not afraid to declare their allegiance with Herut. Mapai is the party that's afraid because they are losing their monopoly over the Histadrut. This fear is shown in their attempt to alter the Histadrut's constitution so Herut cannot join. He concludes that he believes Herut will be part of the Government in the upcoming years.