What are the Facts Behind Jerusalem’s Two Terrible Hours

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
23 In july 1954
Security - Army, Fundamentals of Israeli Security. Liberty of Men - censorship. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Jerusalem. States - Jordan, Syria. Individuals - Moshe Sharett, Pinchas Lavon. Peace , Foreign Policy - UN
Begin discusses his frustration with the Government's responses to a recent attack in Jerusalem. First Begin criticizes Pinchas Lavon, the Minister of Defense. He explains Lavon's mistakes and what he could have done to prevent the surprise attack. Additionally, Begin speaks about Moshe Sharret's leadership and how the Government is killing its own nation in a sovereign way. Then Begin shifts to address multiple opportune moments Israel could have liberated more of the Homeland and ended "senseless bloodshed." Begin concludes by comparing Israel's Government to the Greek character Calipides.