We Shall Remain
Jewish Herald
Underground - British Mandate, Gallows Martyrs. Ideologies - Communists. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion. Foreign Policy - Diplomacy, Israel-Germany Relationship. States - Egypt, Germany, Soviet Union (Russia), USA. Government , Jewish Heritage - Holocaust. Knesset , Peace , Security - War of IndependenceBegin speaks in front of the Knesset when Russian severance of diplomatic relations with Israel was debated. Begin first mentions that it is crucial for Israel to maintain diplomatic relations with all nations, except for Germany. Begin shifts, though, to emphasize that Israel won the War of Independence not by charity from other nations, but by the blood and suffering of Jews. He speaks of the threats Israel receives from other countries. He brings up Mordechai Oren's trial and mentions that the foundation of the nation of Israel's existence is the struggle for justice. Begin then argues that the Government and certain Knesset members are destroying national pride and political sovereignty. One specific example is having foreign relations with Germany. He concludes sharing that he does not have confidence in the Government.