We Shall Not Be Denied the Fruits of Our Victory
Jewish Herald
Security - Army, Self-Defense, Six-Day War. States - Britain/England, Egypt, Soviet Union (Russia), USA. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Fatah. Greater Land of Israel - Golan Heights, Greater Israel. Jewish Heritage - Holocaust, Linguistics. International law , Foreign Policy - UNBegin focuses on the land Israel gained from the 1967 war. He argues that Israel was not the aggressor and to prove this, he provides the definition of an aggressor in an international conflict. Then he shows how Arab nations were the aggressors, according to the definition he provided. Begin then discusses the international law that an aggressor does not have a right to the land it lost with or without a peace treaty. He then talks about the physical size of Israel and how Israel cannot jeopardize its national security and does not want more Israeli bloodshed. He reflects on the massive bloodshed of Jews during the Holocaust and how powerful countries allowed it to happen. He wants Israel to have freedom of fear, freedom from want, and freedom from danger of destruction. He talks about how the Jewish-Christian relations will become stronger. Additionally, he has hopes for better Jewish-Muslim relations.