We Must Act to Avert it in Time

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
8 In feb 1966
Political Parties - Betar, Gahal, Mapai. Liberty of Men - censorship. Coalition , Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, Shimon Peres, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Democracy , Underground - Etzel, Haganah, Saison. Security - Fundamentals of Israeli Security. Opposition
Begin writes about Ben Gurion's continuous attacks on Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. Ben Gurion claimed that "Mr. Eshkol cannot conduct the affairs of the State and its security." Some are frustrated with Ben Gurion's behavior and believe that the new Government should not be attacked and criticized. Begin, however, believes that the Opposition not only has a right, it also has a democratic duty to oppose the Government's decisions. Then Begin mentions that the Knesset can formulate a new Government if they do not have confidence in the current Government. In order for the Knesset to do this, there needs to be cooperation between the Opposition groups, meaning Gahal and Rafi. Begin, however, mentions that he does not think that Rafi members are genuine in their public affirmations that Rafi and Gahal could cooperate. Furthermore, Begin strongly states that Gahal does not want to cooperate with any party who thinks that Gahal is evil and sins.