There Will Not be a Civil War

Underground Messages
Underground - British Mandate, Etzel, Nili. Jewish Heritage - Civil War, Holocaust. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Diaspora - The Jewish Agency. Education - YouthJews everywhere are concerned, not with their own situation, but with the destruction of their brethren in Europe. European Jews could have been saved by being brought to Eretz Israel if only the British oppressors were not keeping them out. Because of this the youth of Eretz Israel is prepared to go to war with the British. The Yishuv is also concerned that a civil war could break out. The Etzel will not submit to blackmail from other Jews, but still it will not raise arms against fellow Jews. The fight is not for war and bloodshed, but for freedom. The Etzel at first did not wage a propaganda campaign against any Jewish elements. The Etzel is not fighting for political power, and will not raise arms against fellow Jews. It will not start a civil war, no matter the provocation. But it will not agree to eliminate itself either.