There Can Be No Greater Danger to Our Future

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
10 In oct 1972
Individuals - Anwar Sadat. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Arabs of Israel, Palestinians, Terror Attack. Security - Army, Optional or Non-Optional War, Self-Defense, Six-Day War. Underground - British Mandate. Ideologies - Communists. Human Rights - Equal rights. Government , Knesset , Jewish Heritage - Linguistics. States - Soviet Union (Russia)
Begin speaks about how dangerous the concept of a Palestinian entity is for Israel's existence. He first reflects on the terror attack that took place at the Munich Olympics—sharing how both Israelis and Arabs felt. He explains that what happened in Lod and Munich are ways to commit genocide, not liberate a nation. He shifts to speak about his disagreement with Zionist Palestinianists and speaks about Palestinian and Zionist land claims. Then Begin expresses shame towards Professor Talmon's inaccurate comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany. In addition to shame, in his conclusion, Begin shares arguments to counter such comparison.