The Truth About the Altalena

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
16 In july 1948
Underground - Altalena, battle description, conquest of Jaffa, Etzel, Haganah, Lechi, Palmach. Security - Army, purity of arms. States - Britain/England, USA. Jewish Heritage - Civil War, selfless love. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Diaspora - Exile, The Jewish Agency. Greater Land of Israel - Golan Heights, Jerusalem. Government , Jewish Nationality , Political Parties - Mapai. Tnuat HaMeri , Human Rights - torture. Foreign Policy - UN. Education - Youth
This article is a verbatim report of the address given by Menachem Begin over the broadcasting station, "The Voice of Freedom," on Tuesday, June 22nd. He speaks about the details of the "Altalena," the ship which was organized to bring an abundance of military supply to Israel. He takes his listeners on a journey of "Altalena" from describing the dedication and passion these young men and women invested into this project, to the difficulties it confronted by the government, to the tragic burning of the ship.