The People Will Decide if Mapai is Fit to Rule

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
1 In jone 1965
States - Britain/England, Egypt, Germany. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Levi Eshkol. Democracy , Foreign Policy - Diplomacy, Israel-Germany Relationship. Political Parties - Herut, Liberal Party, Mapai. Jewish Heritage - Holocaust. Knesset , Peace , Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Refugee Issue
Begin addresses the Knesset and focuses on Israel-Germany relationship. He first accuses the majority of the Knesset of acting undemocratically by accepting the proposal to not oblige Germany to provide Israel with arms. He also speaks about his concern of German scientists in Egypt, and the relationship between Western Germany and Egypt. Then Begin strongly expresses frustration in Knesset members supporting diplomatic relations with Germany. The crux of his argument is "If we are given the alternative: The State of Israel without peace with the Arabs, or peace with the Arabs without the State of Israel, we would choose the State without peace. Experience has taught us that lack of peace is painful and an anxiety. Lack of a State is a catastrophe." Begin concludes that the people will decide who will rule Israel, and that it is clear that Mapai is not fit for that position.