The Only Way to Obtain Peace

Jewish Herald
Foreign Policy - American Jewry, Diplomacy, Israel-France Relationship, Israel-U.S. Relationship, Israel-UN relationship, UN. Security - Army, Fundamentals of Israeli Security, Self-Defense, War of Independence. States - Britain/England, Egypt, France, Jordan, Soviet Union (Russia), Syria, USA. Underground - British Mandate, Etzel, Saison. Liberty of Men - censorship. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Moshe Sharett, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Jewish Majority, Terror Attack. Knesset , Political Parties - Mapai. Peace , Peace Agreements , Education - YouthIn an interview with a correspondent from the news-magazine "Ha-olam Ha-ze," Begin explains that there is currently a guerilla war being conducted by Israel's enemies and Begin says it is crucial to think about how to end this war. The conversation shifts to talk about an 'opportune moment.' He provides examples of these moments, a current one being Arabs not feeling strong enough to attack Israel in a general war. By using force at this point in time, it will stop the guerilla war and end the conversation about destroying Israel. However, the Government will not act in this 'opportune moment.' Begin later explains that it is problematic that Israel has no allies. It is also discussed how other countries would respond to Israel partaking in military action. If military action took place and Israel gained land West of Israel (Transjordan), Begin explains that this would bring peace. He argues that real peace does not mean a peace treaty, but means a stoppage of bloodshed.