The Liberation of Eretz Israel
Jewish Herald
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Arabs of Israel. States - Britain/England, Jordan, Soviet Union (Russia), USA. Underground - British Mandate, Etzel. Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem. Aliyah - Return to Zion. Diaspora - The Jewish Agency. Security - War of IndependenceBegin speaks about the liberation of the Homeland in its entirety. He first emphasizes the mutually exclusivity between the concentration of the Jewish nation and the liberation of the Homeland. He talks about the Jewish Agency's efforts to partition the Homeland and mentions that if the Jewish Agency had been successful, the country would not have been able to absorb the mass Jewish immigration. The Jewish Agency was not successful because of the British and Arab war efforts during the War of Independence. Begin then focuses on what needs to happen to liberate the rest of the Homeland. The conditions are a will to liberate and a political "constellation." Begin argues that "it is not right to say that the liberation of the remaining parts of the Homeland are dependent only on war." He does acknowledge that Jews, however, should be prepared to fight. He concludes saying that both the Government and Britain are preventing liberation of the Homeland.