The Correctness of Our Way

Jewish Herald
Political Parties - Achdut Ha'avoda, Gahal, Herut, Liberal Party, Mapam. Underground - British Mandate, Etzel. Coalition , Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem. Aliyah - Ingathering of Jews from Arab Lands, Return to Zion. Diaspora - Jewish Communities (abroad). Narrowing the Gaps , Opposition , Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Palestinians, Partition Plan. Security - Six-Day War. Ideologies - Socialism. Individuals - Ze'ev JabotinskyBegin defends himself and Herut against the negative claims that he rules Herut and that Herut would rather stay in the Opposition, and not attain the Government. He speaks of his own moral influence and his belief that "ruling" means being of service to citizens. He explains that Herut and the Liberal Party formed the coalition Gahal, and if they are given the authority, Gahal will propose an inclusive Government. Begin shares that at each Herut Movement convention, there are new faces and new members, some being former members of the Labor Party. Then he speaks about the difficulty Herut experienced while compromising with the Liberal Party for the sake of the creation of Gahal. Begin shifts to discuss Herut's consistent stand against partition of the Homeland, unlike other parties. He also speaks about the importance of narrowing the socio-economic gap. He concludes emphasizing that Herut has not changed its views, because the views have always been morally correct.