Speech by Menachem Begin
Personal Archive
Foreign Policy - American Jewry, UN. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Arabs of Israel, Palestinians. States - Britain/England, USA. Underground - British Mandate, Gallows Martyrs, Underground Operation. Economy - Cartels, Competition, Entrepreneurship, Free Market. Constitution , Individuals - Dov Gruner, Folke Bernadotte, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Liberty of Men - Economic Freedom, Individual Liberty. Human Rights - Equal rights. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem, Settlements, Transjordan. Jewish Heritage - Holocaust. Jewish Nationality , Justice , Opposition , Peace , Security - Reprisal Actions. Aliyah - Return to Zion. Separation of Powers A speech Begin gave in New York on the first anniversary of the UN resolution to partition Palestine. The resolution was not a 'gift' from the nations of the world to the Jews, but the result of the revolt against the British forces in Palestine which forced the British to bring the issue to the UN. The resolution is not enough because it does not grant the Jews all of historical Israel, but it is important as international recognition of the right of the Jews to independence in their homeland. In the new state Begin and his followers will continue to fight for the ideals which they fought for in the underground, but now in the opposition. Without an opposition no country can truly be free. There will be peace, and then the fighters can lay down their arms. Begin ends by crediting Zeev Jabotinsky and his vision for their success and by thanking God for allowing them to live to see this day.
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