Rogers Plan Will Not Bring Peace
Jewish Herald
States - France, USA. Political Parties - Gahal. Individuals - Golda Meir, Gunnar Jarring. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem. Knesset , Jewish Heritage - Linguistics. Opposition , Peace , peace process with Egypt This article summarizes and quotes Begin's address to the Knesset after Golda Meir announces Gahal's resignation from the Cabinet. The reason for Gahal returning to be the Opposition party is because of the Cabinet's decision to consider withdrawing without peace agreements. He shares how Gunnar Jarring's letter of appointment was not constructed with the help of Israel. He also shares that he believes that there was and is an alternative to signing such document. Begin argues that by signing the document, it will not bring peace but rather prolong bloodshed. He concludes that Israel "returned to Jerusalem not by right of victory but by the victory of rightand let it be known throughout the world: Our right is eternal."