Race to Give Up

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
27 In mar 1973
Individuals - Abraham (Yair) Stern, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan, Theodor Herzl, Yigal Alon, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Political Parties - Achdut Ha'avoda, Gahal, Mapam. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Arabs of Israel, Palestinians. States - Egypt, Jordan. Security - Fundamentals of Israeli Security, Six-Day War. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem, Settlements. Foreign Policy - Israel-U.S. Relationship. Knesset , Peace , Aliyah - selective immigration. Ideologies - Socialism
Begin speaks about members of the Knesset fighting for who can give up more of the Homeland than other members. He shares viewpoints from various leaders including: Allon, Eban, Hussein, Ismail, and Ben Aharon. One viewpoint focuses on handing over part of Jerusalem to Jordanian supervision. Another one discusses closing Jewish settlement to certain areas. A third viewpoint argues to retreat to the 1967 lines. These viewpoints, Begin argues, will not lead to peace, only to Israel's destruction. Lastly, Begin speaks about Gahal's viewpoint and concludes that citizens of Israel will be able to vote in eight months to change the current, destructive course of Israel's future.