Rabin’s Policy Means War

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
22 In oct 1974
Political Parties - Achdut Ha'avoda. Security - Army, Self-Defense, Six-Day War, Yom Kippur War. States - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, USA. Individuals - Golda Meir, Henry Kissinger, Yitzchak Rabin. Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula. Interim Agreements , Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Palestinians, Refugee Issue. Peace , Foreign Policy - UN
Begin speaks about Yitzchak Rabin's policy leading to another war. He first explains Rabin's mistake in no longer insisting peace treaties. Even so, the U.S. is not satisfied with Rabin's actions. Begin explains Henry Kissinger's involvement and then speaks about how Security Council Resolution 338 includes Security Council Resolution 242. Therefore, Begin misled Israelis and satisfied Assad when referring to Resolution 338. Begin quotes Sadat's position about Israeli interim withdrawals. Begin speaks about Sadat's strong relationship with Assad. He concludes that it is misleading for Rabin to claim that Arab agreement can be obtained because it will lead to a war.