On The Forfeiture of Rights
Jewish Herald
Jewish Heritage - Anti-Semitism. Security - Army. States - Britain/England, Egypt, France, Soviet Union (Russia), USA. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion. Foreign Policy - Diplomacy. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater IsraelBegin criticizes Prime Minister Sharet sharing with Newsweek that Egypt has forfeited its right to remain in Gaza. Begin explains that if Sharet said Egyptians forfeited their right to remain in Gaza, then that means Sharet believes that Egyptians initially had a right to be in Gaza. The only reason why they no longer have that right is because of their attitude towards the Armistice agreement. Begin argues that "in order to have a right forfeited, there must originally be a right of existence" and although an occupation is a fact, it is not a right. Begin continues to argue that Egyptians invaded Eretz Israel to throw the Jews in the sea and since Sharet claims that this was their right then Sharet also claims Egypt's right to invade the rest of Eretz Israel. Begin concludes that as the prime minister, Sharet should be protecting his citizens, whose lives are threatened by Egyptian forces occupying Gaza.