No Return to Armistice Lines

Jewish Herald
Foreign Policy - American Jewry. Jewish Heritage - Anti-Semitism, causeless hate, Holocaust, Linguistics. Diaspora - Diaspora Jewry. States - Egypt, Jordan, Soviet Union (Russia), Syria. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Fatah, Jewish Majority. Government , Peace , Peace Agreements , Aliyah - Return to Zion. Security - Self-Defense, Six-Day WarAt a conference for Jewish Diaspora leaders, Begin expresses the importance of Israel to maintain the land gained from the Six-Day War, and not retreat. He first shares what Nasser, Atassi, Aref, and Hussein said about Israel prior to the Six-Day War. He connects their aggression to that of Germans. He then explains that according to international law, there are two phases after a defensive war is won. The first phase is prior to a peace treaty and the second phase is the negotiation period, which concludes with a peace agreement. He provides examples of peace treaties that occurred after the first and second world wars to show that the aggressors always lose territory. Regarding concern for lack of a Jewish majority in the Homeland and diplomacy, Begin says that they must not be afraid. He speaks about El Fatah and argues that they use methods of genocide. He uses Jewish text to reiterate that the Land of Israel is the land of Jewish ancestors and forefathers.