My Message Is One of Faith’ Menachem Begin Tells S.A.

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
16 In oct 1953
Security - Army, Nuclear capabilities. Underground - British Mandate, Etzel, Gallows Martyrs. Ideologies - Communism. Constitution , Individuals - Dov Gruner, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Economy - Employer-Employee Relationship. States - Germany. Political Parties - Herut. Jewish Heritage - Holocaust. Aliyah - Ingathering of Jews from Arab Lands, Return to Zion. Foreign Policy - Israel-U.S. Relationship. Greater Land of Israel - Jerusalem. Narrowing the Gaps , Peace , Social Reform
Begin speaks to a South African crowd and first pays tribute to the men who died and are ready to die for the Jewish people. He speaks of Ze'ev Jabotinsky having a minority opinion when he argued for State evacuation. Begin explains that he is not a politician because politicians cannot teach patriotism. Additionally, quoting Churchill, Begin says he would rather be irresponsible and right, than responsible and wrong. Begin speaks what Herut would like to see happen in Israel and specifically references the importance of having a constitution. He speaks of Germany and the dangers if Germany gets back their weaponry. He also discusses of the lack of peace happening between Arab countries and Israel, and that Israel is prepared for war. Begin expresses his frustration about the Government not doing enough to absorb more Jews from North Africa. He closes by reminding the crowd that despite the pessimism regarding the dream of redeeming the Homeland, the dream has come true.