Irgun Leader Predicts Unity in Palestine with Brotherhood Among Jews and Arabs

Personal Archive
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Arabs of Israel. States - Britain/England, USA. Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Folke Bernadotte. Democracy , Elections , Underground - Etzel. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel. Political Parties - Herut. Peace , Separation of Powers A summation of a speech Begin gave at the Waldorf-Astpria Hotel in the New York Times. Begin believed that after all of Eretz Israel was liberated Jews and Arabs live in peace and harmony and the fighters would be able spend their time tilling the land instead. He wants to secure a sound economic future for those who fought for Israel. His Herut Party favors a complete separation of powers and the establishment of all civil rights. He denounces the Bernadotte Plan as a British plot and calls on all invading armies to leave Eretz Israel. He then joins in a toast to David Ben-Gurion.
keywords: 208392