How Dr. K Pulls the Strings

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
21 In jan 1975
Individuals - Anwar Sadat, Henry Kissinger, Yigal Alon, Yitzchak Rabin. States - Egypt, Syria, USA. Foreign Policy - Fundamentals of Foreign Policy, Israel-U.S. Relationship. Security - Fundamentals of Israeli Security. Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Palestinians. Peace , Peace Agreements , peace process with Egypt
Begin gives examples of how Dr. Kissinger manipulated the governments of Israel, the United States, and Egypt into having things work out the way he had planned. For example, Rabin proposed a retreat from the Suez Canal if Egypt ends the state of belligerency, and Kissinger immediately declared that Egypt will reject it. Foreign Secretary Allon proposed that Israel retreat another 30-50 km in Sinai if Egypt agrees not to join Syria if they attack Israel, and Israel will no longer demand a public declaration of non-belligerence. Kissinger responded to this with harsh words of disapproval. He claimed it would look to Sadat like Israel was planning to attack Syria, but agreed to bring it to Cairo's attention anyway. Begin additionally argues that Kissinger told President Ford what to say. In the end, Sadat found Allon's proposal an insult to Egypt, as Kissinger had predicted.