He Taught Israel to be Free

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
21 In july 1950
Underground - British Mandate, Etzel, Haganah. Individuals - Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Diaspora - Diaspora Jewry. Jewish Heritage - Holocaust, Linguistics. Security - Self-Defense
Begin focuses on Jabotinsky's crucial role in creating the Jewish State. He specifically explains how Jabotinsky strengthened the concept of the Hebrew revolt. First, Jabotinsky realized and argued for liquidation of the Diaspora. Then he was passionate about the importance of both spiritual and physical return to the Jewish Homeland. Lastly, Jabotinsky believed in the necessity for a Hebrew army, the Haganah. Begin explains throughout each of these points, Jabotinsky was alone, "surrounded and assaulted from all sides." Begin concludes with arguing that Jabotinsky changed the way future Jewish generations will talk about Jewish history.