By Our Present Stand We Assure Israel a Future and Peace
Jewish Herald
Jewish Heritage - Anti-Semitism, Linguistics. Underground - British Mandate, Etzel, Haganah, Lechi. Liberty of Men - censorship, French Revolution. Coalition , Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Haim Arlosoroff, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Democracy , States - Egypt. Elections , Political Parties - Gahal, Herut, Mapam. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel, Jerusalem. Knesset , Ideologies - Liberalism, Right-Wing/Left-Wing, Socialism. Opposition , Peace , Security - Six-Day War, War of Independence. Diaspora - World Congress. Education - YouthThe interview with Begin focuses on his political perspectives and experiences. The introduction positively describes Begin and emphasizes how people think he has changed. The first question asked is about the relationship between Etzel agreeing to work with the Haganah, and Gahal agreeing to a Government of National Unity. Begin explains the differences between both situations. However, the main similarity is the purpose: Salvation of the nation. Begin then discusses his experiences while being in "Opposition." He talks about the importance in stating that it is a historic right for Judea and Samaria to be part of Israel, however, he emphasizes that he will not initiate war. He spends time defining political terms such as "left," "right," "socialists," and "progressives." He identifies some of these groups as anti-Israeli and therefore, also anti-Semitic. The interview ends with Begin sharing his beliefs about peace. He is confident that peace will someday come.