Britain Would Not Go to War if Israel Occupied All Western Palestine
Jewish Herald
Security - Army, Self-Defense. States - Britain/England, Egypt. Underground - Etzel. Political Parties - General Zionists. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel. Jewish Heritage - Linguistics. Individuals - Moshe SharettThis article contains extracts from Begin's fighting speech in Tel Aviv with an audience of half a million people. He comments on the statement Moshe Sharett made, which was: ''We, the Government cannot undertake to ensure that no Jews will be killed in Israel.'" He also speaks about the mistake for the Government not taking action while Egypt was distracted with internal conflict. Then Begin speaks about Sharett's attempts to avoid Herut's critical evaluation of the Government's actions. Sharett specifically uses the word 'adventure,' and therefore, Begin uses that word to speak about Jewish history. He says, "There is adventure of devotion, of redemption, of Holy belief, and there is adventure of denial, of irresponsibility, of treachery, of surrender, of slavery." Begin argues that this first definition of adventure applies to Etzel's actions, while the second definition applies to the current Government.