Between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Why Didn’t You Mobilize the Reserves

Newspaper: Jerusalem Post
posted on:
25 In nov 1973
Foreign Policy - American Jewry, UN. Individuals - Anwar Sadat, Golda Meir, Henry Kissinger. Security - Army, Fundamentals of Israeli Security, POW / MIA issue, Self-Defense, Yom Kippur War. Democracy , States - Egypt, Soviet Union (Russia), Syria, USA. Elections , Political Parties - Gahal, Mapai. Greater Land of Israel - Golan Heights, Greater Israel, Settlements, Sinai Peninsula. Government , Government-Army Relationship , Justice , Knesset , Jewish Heritage - Linguistics. Opposition
A speech Begin gave at the Knesset after the Yom Kippur War. The Chief of Staff had said that if the reserves had been called up 24 or 48 hours earlier the war would have taken a less costly course in its early stages. The brave IDF soldiers did their best and were in the end victorious, but the government should never have put them in such an impossible situation. Begin demands that Prime Minister Golda Meir and her cabinet resign. Resigning would show the powers that convene the Geneva Conference that Israel does not have a government with the authority to make concessions until after new elections are held, and then the conference can be pushed back until January. The Government has also been irresponsible in accepting an agreement with Secretary of State Kissinger and President Sadat for the release of Israeli POWs in exchange for easing the siege on the Egyptian Third Army. Despite the failures of the government, the IDF is the best army in the world and is full of heroes.
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