An Open Letter to Brezhnev

Jewish Herald
Jewish Heritage - causeless hate, Holocaust. Ideologies - Communists. Underground - Deir Yassin, Etzel. States - Germany, Soviet Union (Russia). Aliyah - Return to ZionBegin writes an open letter to Leonid Brezhnev, the first secretary of the Communist Party in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In this letter, Begin writes about his and the Jewish people's relationship with Russia throughout the years. Ultimately, he explains that the purpose of his open letter is to discuss a false report the journalists' union posted about Deir Yassin. He is frustrated that the Etzel is portrayed as a gang, when it was really a liberation organization. Begin argues that the Soviet Union is changing facts so that "white has become black and black has become white." He points out that leaders during the time of Etzel believed that a Jewish State should exist. He briefly mentions his disgust towards the verdicts of the Leningrad trials and in his conclusion says that Russian justice is actually unjust.