Adventurers Who Jeopardise The State of Israel

Newspaper: Jewish Herald
posted on:
9 In apr 1954
Jewish Heritage - Anti-Semitism, causeless hate. Security - Army, Restraint. Constitution , Individuals - David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Moshe Sharett. States - Egypt, Jordan. Government , Greater Land of Israel - Greater Israel. Political Parties - Herut, Mapai. Foreign Policy - Israel-UN relationship, UN. Knesset , Legislature-Army relationship , Peace , Underground - Saison. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Terror Attack
Begin focuses on the Government's response to the Scorpions' Pass massacre. He first shares that it is wrong for Jews to be accustomed to the death of twelve Jews within the Jewish Homeland. Jews sacrificed and fought in hopes to liberate the entire Homeland. Begin blames 'adventurers' for the reason why the land is not liberated in its entirety. One of the consequences for this decision is more bloodshed. Begin then shares that unlike these 'adventurers', Herut has foreseen consequences. One example is when Moshe Sharett stated that "'General Naguib's accession to power in Egypt has created the possibility of peace.'" Another example is when David Ben Gurion said, "'Our orientation is not to the West and not to the East – but to the United Nations Organisation.'" A third example is when Moshe Dayan made political declarations. The final example Begin shares is Sharett's statements over Kibiya, which Begin argues invited the Scorpions' Pass massacre.