My Plan for Peace

Such was our peace proposal.  When it was first presented last December it was greeted in this great country and elsewhere with words of praise and with a most positive general reaction.  Indeed, as the President said publicly, the Israeli peace plan represented “a long step forward.”  The Secretary of State declared it to be … Continued

8 Points For Peace

“8 Points for Peace”   JEWISH RIGHT to the Land of Israel is basic and inseparable from our right to security, without which there can be no prospect of peace. The choice does not lie between maintaining our right to the Land of Israel and obtaining peace for a Jewish State in some part of … Continued

The Twelfth-Fourteenth Session of the Tenth Knesset Wednesday, June 14, 1983 – The establishment of a committee of inquiry into the activities of the opposition circles during Operation Peace for the Galilee

Begin claims that the war in Lebanon was a war of self-defense, an attempt to protect the north from a real threat. Begin criticizes the opposition for trying to create the impression that there was aggression when going to war. Begin opposes the establishment of another commission of inquiry and claims that the government has adopted the conclusions of the Kahan Commission.

Menahem Begin – Irgun Commander

An interview Menachem Begin gave to the Herald Tribune in March 1947 and reprinted later for relevance to the formation of a provisional government in Israel. The IZL is prepared for a long and difficult struggle with the British. Though the IZL wants to end the policy of reprisals, it will continue the policy until its members are treated as combatants, even if it means hanging British soldiers if its own members are hanged. The IZL has had contact with Arabs in Palestine, though it has been limited. The IZL has plans to carry out attacks outside of Palestine. They do not favor but will not oppose the discussion of Palestine at the UN. The Soviet Union is against the idea of Jewish immigration to Israel from other countries but has a point in that some Jews seem to favor elements of British imperialism. The IZL is not Fascist because it is fighting for survival, is against totalitarianism, and is in favor of democracy and individual freedoms.

The Golan Heights Law

Begin’s statement at a government meeting proposing the annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel. Israeli law and sovereignty is to be fully applied to the Golan Heights. There is a law from 1967 relating to the territories of Eretz Israel, but that law does not apply to the Golan because it was part of the French Mandate for Syria. When Syria controlled the Golan it used the position to attack Israeli civilians. Israel has invited the rulers of Syria to negotiate peace, but Syria has refused to discuss peace. Syria’s Foreign Minister stated that the Arabs must wait until they are stronger than Israel. Assad stated that he would not recognize Israel even if the PLO were to do so. Syria’s actions mean that Israel’s response is not a breach of the Camp David Accords. Israel will face severe international protests over the annexation, but it is a matter of life and security, and so Israel must act in spite of those protests.