The conquest of Jaffa and its strategic significance

The conquest of Jaffa and its strategic significance

The conquest of Jaffa and its strategic significance

The conquest of Jaffa and its strategic significance


  • Our constitution must not be a collection
    Democratic government only; It must
  • Our constitution must not be a collection
    Democratic government only; It must
  • Our constitution must not be a co
    Democratic government only; It
  • Our constitution must not be a colle
    Democratic government only; It m


  • Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a democratic form of governmen
  • Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a demo
  • Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a democratic form of g
  • Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas th


  1. Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a democratic form of governmen
  2. Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a demo
  3. Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a democratic form of g
  4. Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas th



Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that form a form
Democratic government only; It must guarantee the people a democratic way of life.
Therefore, we will require legislative guarantees for separation of state authorities. Concentration of powers in one hand, or even in my hands
One authority, constitutes a grave danger to the freedom of the state and civil liberty. Law is a law that can not be passed because there is no prime minister or government member
Both legislator and judge. The truth of an "emergency situation" does not justify a totalitarian concentration of tripartite control of the state,
Focusing, which in effect puts the holders of power above the law

Our constitution must not be a collection of clauses and formulas that determine a democratic form of government only; It must guarantee the people a democratic way of life. Therefore, we will require legislative guarantees for separation of state authorities. The concentration of powers in one hand or even in the hands of one authority poses a grave danger to state freedom and civil liberty. Law is an inescapable law, because there is no prime minister, or a member of the government can be both a legislator and a judge. The truth of an “emergency situation” does not justify a totalitarian concentration of tripartite control of the state, which effectively places the


In the months preceding the great Arab invasion, we continued to raid the Arab territory. However, already at the beginning of 1948, we made it clear to our commanders and soldiers that the attack was not an attack. True, these raids by all Hebrew forces had great psychological value; And their military value, insofar as they expanded the Arab front and forced the aggressors to defend themselves, was not insignificant. However, it was clear to us that the war was not like Arab aggressors like the warriors of the British oppressors, and the war in 1948 was not like the events of 1938. We said and repeated that partisan raids, even the boldest ones, would nos, even the boldest ones, would no


By setting these goals for ourselves, we knew that achieving them would depend on many factors, especially the force - soldiers and weapons - that would be at our disposal. We therefore determined in the internal decision that the plans are alternative: we will reach those we will be able to realize. This is real realism: to strive for greatness, not to despise little ones. Indeed, from our overall strategic plan we have fully implemented only the second section; In sections 1 and 3 we have achieved many achievements on the battlefield, but we have not yet reached victory. In order to fulfill Section D we were not privileged to arrive at all. However, the conquest of Jaffa stands as a special event in the military campaign for the preservation of Hebrew independence. It is therefore worth remembering that, contrary to everything that was told during Passover 5708, we decided to take Jaffa not only after the conquest of Haifa, but many months before we embarked on the decisive battle.
When we accepted our decision on the strategy of the occupation, we did not yet have weapons to carry out any act of occupation. But if they tell you that necessity is the father of ability and will, the father of possibility - believe it. In February and March we stood without a drop of explosives; In April we were able to produce several tons of material with explosive power. As early as March, we had only a small amount of machine guns, rifles, and ammunition. In April, we carried out two acquisitions, which changed the state of the equipment of our units. We were enriched by the firepower that rose in those days to the force of the Haganah's bombardment.
On April 6, 1948, at 6:45, Gidi led our combat unit under Yehoshua's direct command to the British army camp number 80 near Pardes Hanna, where an anti-tank artillery battalion was stationed. It was a frontal attack on an elected battalion of British artillery. Dozens stood up against hundreds and the few beat the crowd.
Our Pioneer unit took control



Immediately the weapons depot burst and the rifles, submachine guns, barons, anti-armored vehicles and ammunition began loading. But meanwhile the enemy had recovered at the edge of the camp. Across from our central position, an armored caterpillar suddenly emerged and threatened to destroy it. The moment was very dangerous. The breach in the defensive positions could have thwarted the whole operation and brought disaster to its perpetrators. The brave Jackson - the Scottish dialect - saved the situation. He broke through the door of the caterpillar, liquidated its armed inhabitants, and took another armored vehicle for the Irgun Zvai Leumi. The British put in their guns and heavy tanks. Our young men disbanded a Sherman tank and the enemy's fire, which was not accurate at all, responded with a shower of fire. A British colonel and seven sergeants and private men were killed during the battle; Many were wounded. One of our soldiers was killed; Some were wounded, but the weapons continued to be loaded into the endless battle. The payoff was serious; Mainly with rifles, shotguns, and ammunition. Also a small number of Fiat shells - armor shells - we took from the glorious 12th Battalion and with them we used a number of British tanks on the Jaffa front. If we had more Fiat shells.
Two weeks later, we again visited Pardes Hanna. This time Gidi stormed a military train. The train left Haifa for the Triangle. She worked to bring tons of precious

Heading a Heading b Heading c Heading d
1 Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept  Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept But also block the way to bad laws
Link Link Link
2 Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept  Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept But also block the way to bad laws


3 Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept  Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept But also block the way to bad laws

Link Link

4 Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept  Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept But also block the way to bad laws Link
5 Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept  Churchill once said that the role of Parliament is not only to accept But also block the way to bad laws