Menachem Begin Writing Archive
Throughout his life, Menachem Begin acted with the thought and belief of a national-liberal doctrine in his mind, the core of which was the concentration of the nation, the liberation of the homeland, individual liberty rights, the correction of society, and the supremacy of justice.
For decades, as a member of The Betar, the Irgun commander, the opposition chairman of the Knesset, and the Israeli prime minister he has left countless articles and heartbreaking speeches from heated discussions on the Knesset stage and party, parliamentary and political activities. This database, of the Menachem Begin’s writings, is another means for the Menachem Begin Heritage Center to advance the spread of the national-liberal concept among the citizens of the State of Israel and members of the Jewish nation.
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מנחם בגין

The Daily Quote

One of the most decisive issues is, one, the essence of the autonomy. What is the autonomy? Because I think it is made clear by the Camp David agreement, but there are many proposals. For instance, there is an Egyptian proposal to have an assembly, an executive, a judiciary. I call it a Palestinian state all but in name. It would be a mortal danger to Israel. We shall never accept it and it is in contradiction to the Camp David agreement. There, we promised autonomy, not sovereignty. Autonomy, not a state. Completely different concepts. So, we have to decide what is the essence of the autonomy. We made a proposal, now we wait for a reply. Then is the question of security, which is, again, perhaps the soul of the problem. There is the so-called PLO on the rampage. If they should take over, if we are not responsible for security, if we do not reserve security, there will be permanent bloodshed. Peace will be killed. Not only people will be killed. Peace itself will be murdered and there will be a danger to the free world because there will be a Soviet base established in the heart of the Middle East. These are all very important. These are actually the decisive issues we are needing to solve. And perhaps we will solve them during the next 40 days, when we deal with them in Egypt and in Israel. Not in Washington, as it was…

כ"ג טבת התש"ל, 1 In jan 1970


Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a

Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a


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External Publications

The raid on Iraqi nuclear